
There is Nothing False About Hope

I was pissed this morning. I woke up pissed.  I was pissed when I left for work.  I was pissed when I got to work and not much that happened at work this morning improved my mood. There's a little exercise I  engage in when I'm in this kind of a mood.  I try to post a positive-themed quote to Facebook and Twitter, just to put something positive in the air.  If I can articulate something positive and put it on the internet, sometimes it makes me feel better.  Sometimes people give me positive feedback about it, which helps me be even more positive. Today the first quote I thought of was from the movie The Shawshank Redemption.  The quote is "it comes down to a simple choice: either get busy living or get busy dying."  The problem with this quote, however, is that it seems to endorse suicide, which is the last thing I wanted to do.  Then I remembered an earlier part of the film, when Tim Robbin's character said,"the one thing they can't...

To Do List

I have a lot of clutter in my life right now. I have physical clutter, emotional clutter, financial clutter, and digital clutter. Part of my digital clutter is my list of goals over at If you're not familiar with it, it's a cool little website that helps you put some big goals on a list to help inspire you to achieve some things. I went to mine, and found I few things I put on there that I want to do, but just haven't achieved yet. So, what I am going to do is to put a couple of these items on the top of my list and work on them. So, here are my top 5 goals. 1. Declutter - I have talked about this already. I got a lot of work to do on this. 2. Finish my correspondence course - last year I signed up for a correspondence course that I haven't really touched since. I have 19 lessons to do before the end of April. I gotta get busy. 3. Write a screenplay - I did this for a class in college, but I want to do it again. My plan is to participate in Script ...

Philadelphia marathon

I am now locked in. I registered for the Philadelphia marathon on Nov 22. My goal will be to run it in 3 hrs and 15 minutes. If I manage that, then I can qualify to run in the Boston marathon. That would be my ultimate goal. See more progress on: run in a marathon

Living vs. Surviving: Wall-E and Paula Poundstone

One of the great joys in my life is the NPR show "Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me". In addition to listening to it on the radio when I can, I also subscribe to the podcast. This week, they had a best show. This one, made up of parts voted by the listeners, featured Paula Poundstone sounding off to Michael Palin. He was making the point that some foods may not actually qualify as food. Paula defended Ring Dings as something that made her life worth living. After some back and forth she made the statement, " You may know a lot about food, but you don't know the first thing about living, buddy." That statement resonated with me, probably because all week I've been watching the movie Wall-e, which has just become one of my favorite filmis of all time. Any sci-fi film that successfully interweaves a Broadway musical (like "Hello, Dolly) grabs my attention. The scene that thought of is when the captain of a spaceship is arguing with the auto pilot say...