
Showing posts from 2012

There is Nothing False About Hope

I was pissed this morning. I woke up pissed.  I was pissed when I left for work.  I was pissed when I got to work and not much that happened at work this morning improved my mood. There's a little exercise I  engage in when I'm in this kind of a mood.  I try to post a positive-themed quote to Facebook and Twitter, just to put something positive in the air.  If I can articulate something positive and put it on the internet, sometimes it makes me feel better.  Sometimes people give me positive feedback about it, which helps me be even more positive. Today the first quote I thought of was from the movie The Shawshank Redemption.  The quote is "it comes down to a simple choice: either get busy living or get busy dying."  The problem with this quote, however, is that it seems to endorse suicide, which is the last thing I wanted to do.  Then I remembered an earlier part of the film, when Tim Robbin's character said,"the one thing they can't take away fr